Estate Planning for Young Adults
Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, working professional or a college student, starting early with your estate planning can provide you control and peace of mind. Even if you are a younger adult and do not own substantial assets, picking individuals to make health and/or financial decisions for you is very important. You may also wish to consider who you would want in charge of maintaining your online presence and profiles if you were unable to tend to these yourself.
At the end of the day, if you don't proactively decide who will be making those choices for you, a court may pick an individual that you don't know or aren't comfortable with being in such a role. Consider beginning your estate planning early so that your choices are respected, and as you continue to acquire property in the future, these assets can easily be added to your estate planning documents.
Moses Estate Planning is here to help answer any questions regarding estate planning for young adults and can assist in pointing out the best strategies to get you where you want to be.