Family-Focused Estate Planning Get Started Today


Moses Estate Planning, PLLC

Common Estate Disputes

Following a person's death, estate settlement or administration is usually required to distribute the decedent's estate and assets to the rightful inheritors and settle their final affairs. However, the estate administration process doesn't always unfold seamlessly. Disputes and conflicts may occur between surviving loved ones or with the executor. A knowledgeable estate planning attorney can educate you about some common estate disputes as well as possible resolutions.
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Moses Estate Planning, PLLC

Estate Planning Checklist

Estate planning can be defined as the legal process through which you decide how your finances and other assets will be handled after you pass.
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Moses Estate Planning, PLLC

Understanding Pour-Over Wills

Estate planning is a complex process that helps accomplish many goals, including preparing for your future and ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your death. A pour-over will could be a great addition to your estate plan. However, many people do not understand what a pour-over will is.
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Moses Estate Planning, PLLC 

Differences Between Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts

Even if you know you need an estate plan in place, it’s often hard to know exactly what documents you’ll need and how to set them up to ensure your loved ones are taken care of after you pass away. Most people begin estate planning by writing a simple will, and while this is a great first step, it often won’t give you the protections and flexibility that a trust can.
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Moses Estate Planning, PLLC

Differences Between a Will and a Trust

If you are thinking about creating an estate plan, you have probably come across such terms as “will” and “trust.” However, you may not understand the difference between a will and trust.
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What Is a Gun Trust and Do I Need One?

When it comes to estate planning, many people are familiar with trusts as a way to safeguard and transfer property such as real estate and investments. A gun trust is a separate entity all together and another valuable tool that offers tremendous advantages. Its benefits apply not only after your death, but also during your lifetime.
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5 Reasons Estate Planning Can’t Wait

Let’s face it – talking about death isn’t exactly the most enjoyable topic. Most people like to imagine it happens when one is old, wrinkly, and sleeping soundly while snuggled in bed.
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Moses Estate Planning

Don’t Risk It: Protect Your Finances from Coronavirus Complications

Many Americans spend a lot of time and effort in managing their finances. While most are worried about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) will impact their income—whether that’s because they are temporarily furloughed, find themselves suddenly without a job, or watching their investment and retirement accounts dwindle—there is another way COVID-19 can wreak havoc on American’s finances: lack of incapacity planning.
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